Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hello, World! Whassup?

Hi, everybody!  Welcome to my new blog!  I am a freelance writer, Christian, baseball fan, history buff, and horse girl.  I hope we have lots of fun times together.

First, an explanation of my blog's name.  Pretty much everybody knows that the term "out of left field" refers to something unexpected, random, or surprising.  So I figured that something out of RIGHT field would be even more so.  And since that pretty well discribes what I'm going to be posting on here, I thought that it was an appropriate name. 

I'm probably going to be posting three main types of articles (maybe four, I haven't decided yet).  The three "sub-blogs" in this blog are going to be:

  • On The Ball - this is where I'll be sharing my love of baseball, which is quite extensive because I am a fan of four teams (the Braves, Rangers, Pirates, and Orioles).  Yes, it is trying at times, but that's what happens when some of your favorite players go to teams that are pretty cool.  Since I unfortunately don't live near a team, most of these posts are going to be about things I've read or seen second-hand.  For example, right now I am really, really excited about Nelson Cruz signing with the Orioles!  I never dreamed I'd get to keep cheering for the team he's on. :)
  • Check It Out! - this will be I will give my personal reviews on movies and TV shows (both older and newer, though mostly older because they tend to be better), with some books, music and *maybe* some travel location reviews thrown in.
  • By The Way... - this is where I will be sharing my more random thoughts that don't really have a catagory.  Whether it's a bit of wisdom or an insight that I happened to pick up on or whether it's something funny that happened at work, it will be going under here.
I'm also playing around with the idea of doing a "Library" post, where I share snippets of original fiction pieces.  Who knows what might happen?  So please follow me here and on Twitter at @outofRF.  (I'm working on getting a Facebook page up).  Exciting things await!  

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