Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Top MLB Commercials, Endorsement Edition

This poor blog has been neglected for way too long, and I have nobody to blame but myself.  It's tough as a writer to get motivated sometimes!  So, to break this long silence and to help myself with my baseball offseason blues, I'm now wrapping up my trilogy on MLB commercials.  Seeing as how it's been almost a year since I did the first one, it's high time I finished it (good heavens, have I really been doing this blog for a year now?)  I have covered commercials done by different MLB teams, as well as the commercials done by SportsCenter, so now let's look at my top five commercials of players doing endorsements.  These are done in order from the least entertaining out of the five to the BEST ONE EVER MADE (aka my obvious favorite, although number 2 is pretty close behind it).  Here we go!

#5 - Derek Jeter, Ford

In my opinion, the kid is really the star of the commercial.  He is so cute and expressive!  "Are you sure you're not a baseball player???"  And it reflects Jeter's apparent affection for young fans.

#4 -  Justin Verlander & CJ Wilson, MLB 2K12

Guys and their video games....... *ninja* 
I bet games between these guys probably do get pretty intense sometimes.

#3 - Joe Mauer, Head and Shoulders

I had originally been looking for a different H&S commercial with Joe, but this one is just as funny.  Good ol' Joe just can't tell a lie.

#2 - Nick Swisher & Jonathan Papelbon, Philips Norelco

This right here is what made me become a fan of Nick Swisher.  He is so adorable, just like a puppy!  The way he's grinning like he's so proud of himself at the end of the commercial gets me every time.  :)  (He's also a pretty good actor.  He makes it actually look like he's talking across the screen to Papelbon).

And......drum-roll, please!!!!!

#1 - Tom Glavin & Greg Maddux, Nike

This commercial should seriously be placed in the Hall of Fame along with its' two stars.  Stick a little TV screen between the displays dedicated to Glav and Mad Dog and have it play on loop, that would be perfect!  This commercial is also what kicked off the whole thing with "Chicks Dig the Long Ball" and its' several variants.  (Personally, I dig anything that will win the game for the team I'm pulling for, but specifically walkoffs).  ;) 

Well, there you have it!  Maybe now I'll be motivated to get back on here and post more often.  We'll have to see!  And please, baseball, get back here soon???? 

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