Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Top MLB Commercials, SportsCenter Edition

Good grief, it's been almost a month since my last post.  Looks like it's time to do another one!  Let's see, how about a sequel to my top MLB commercials post with the focus this time being on ESPN?

A little while back, the MLB Fan Cave came up with a list of their top 10 "This is SportsCenter" baseball commercials.  I don't really watch ESPN, but I do think they have come up with some pretty great commercials over the years.  And I don't quite agree with the Fan Cave's list.  I'd say that maybe half of the commercials they picked deserve to be on the list, but not in the order they put them in.  So, here is MY Top 10 "This is SportsCenter" MLB commercials.  :)

10: Andrew McCutchen, the Pirate*

*Note that will make this more understandable/enjoyable: "Lox" is minced, brined salmon that is put on bagels.  I guess since these guys are "seafarers", they really like fish.

9: Jose Reyes, "It's in the Hips"

Totally not what you were expecting.  ;)

8: Josh Hamilton hits long home runs

This was from back in 2010 after Josh participated in the Home Run Derby, breaking the record for home runs hit by a player in one round.

7: Jason Heyward on bat making

The tree is the mascot for Stanford University.  Poor guy.

6: Tim Hudson sees something weird


This isn't actually a "This is SportsCenter" commercial, but it is still by ESPN.  (The reason I'm including it is because the commercial I had been PLANNING on using is no longer on YouTube, darn it).  I miss seeing Huddy in a Braves uni.  I bet somebody in the Braves' front office has been kicking themselves after seeing what a year Huddy's been having, too.

5: Tim Lincecum and his voice mail

I have to admit, I've never really cared for Lincecum all that much, but this proves that he does have a sense of humor.  :)

4: Buster Posey and the Umpire

One thing I noticed about this commercial: it takes three strikes to get a batter out, and three outs before the team on defense can go back to their dugout.  The umpire asks three questions, and then Buster says he's going "Out."  Very subtle moving, SportsCenter...

3: Clayton Kershaw, slow day at the office

That's why he's won a Cy Young, y'all.  ;)

2: David Ortiz, "Traitor"

"It's not what you think!"

1: Derek Jeter and his razor

This is even funnier when you know that Jeter has/used to have (I don't know if he still does or not) an endorsement with Gillette.  So "naturally" he's very picky about his razor. 

To finish up, I've included one that doesn't really have to do with any sport at all, but has a pretty funny/cute exchange between some of the SportsCenter broadcasters.

Honorable Mention: Dinnertime

They have their priorities straight.  ;)

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